Super Petrel USA Tri-Fecta Event Maintenance Heavy Training

November 6, 2021 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM
Super Petrel USA

Super Petrel USA Tri-Fecta Event (November 3 – 6, 2021)

Saturday  November 6, 2021 Schedule (Day 4)

Maintenance Line Training

8:15 AM – 4:30 PM  Maintenance Heavy Training will commence in the SPUSA Office Area.

9 AM – 4:30 PM  Pilot Flight Training will take place in the hangar bay area.

Pilot Refresher Flight training will conclude if necessary for those still wanting to fly or due to delays because of weather.

All maintenance Training will conclude mid-day on Saturday.

End of Event 5 PM

The maintenance training event is for all interested individuals, mechanics, pilots, owners or even those individuals just wanting more detailed information about the airplane. The cost is $400 for the two and a half day (2.5) training. Course Completion Certificates will be signed by Rodrigo Scoda & Kevin Walker.

The flight training ground school systems training is free for those who attend. The flight training will be charged at the following rate and will be paid directly to the SPFIA.

  1. Your Airplane and gas = $100.00 hr.
  2. Our Airplane and gas = $200.00 hr.